If you are students, professors, or common citizens, even if you are disable/blind and you need to access to informations, make sure to visit this place. It called "Perpustakaan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional" or "The Library of the Ministry of National Education".
Located in Sudirman Street, next to Ratu Plaza on the right and Plaza EX on the left, it can be easily reached by Busway. Stop in Ratu Plaza station, and walk a little to the side of Ratu Plaza. The Library is located in the same area of the Ministry of National Education. There are several buildings inside the area. Just go to the main building (A Building) in the front; and if you are facing it, go to the right side. Find the glass-wall with yellow frame, and.. voila! Welcome to the Library!
In the previous time, this library belongs to the British Council. Since 1990's something ( I forgot!), all of its collection were given to the Ministry of National Education. Now, 90 percents of the books are those given from the British Councils, and the rest 10 percents are new.
In this Library you may find several facilities such as study/reading room, meeting room, audio visual room, International TV broadcast, seven computers for free internet connections (members only), room for online and offline journal, study corner for disable people who are blind, and online catalogues.
On the lower ground, there is a large lobby with some chairs and cozy sofas. Next to the lobby is another reading room, online and offline journal room and a meeting room. Climbing the stairway up, you will find the main reading room with six big racks of the book collections. Internet connections, audio visual corner and the corner for the disables are located in the same floor.
I must say I like this cozy and quiet place. Well, although the air conditioner is too freezing for me, but there is no place like this library that makes my reading speed goes faster! I'm sitting on a purple comfortable sofa right now, and the free internet connection is good. I will move to the desk next to the window if I need to recharge my laptop battery. There is a power socket under the table.
Canteens are available in the lower ground, next to the library. Damn, this AC is freezing me out.. I'm hungry now!
Ah, I forgot telling you about the membership. The membership is free of charge. You just need to fill out the form, 2x3 cm photograph, and a photocopy of your ID card. During the first year, your membership is categorized as Basic. It means, you are only allowed to borrow 1 book and 1 audio visual unit. After a year, the library will evaluate your performance to decide wether you can uprise your membership to Regular or not. As a Regular member, you may borrow 2 books and 2 audio visual units. Above Regular is Premium, where you can borrow 3 books and 2 audio visual units.
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